One more step…

One more step…

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

We are, and will always be, a “no-spam zone,” so we ask you to take a second step. To confirm the subscription request actually came from you, please respond to our e-mail that will arrive in your in-box momentarily. We’ll add your name to our list when we hear back from you.

Once you click the link, you’ll start receiving the newsletter.

Also, as I’m sure you know, a lot of legitimate email is blocked. I want to be sure you get each and every newsletter.

You will receive a confirmation message from my autoresponder that you want to join this list. You must click the link inside this message or you will not receive this newsletter. Sometimes Internet Service Providers have filters in place that block emails from senders you wish to receive messages from. It is important that you make sure this doesn’t happen to you. So you need to add:

to your “white list” of approved senders. Here are some specific instructions.

For AOL users

In your “address book” click add contact for me at

For Hotmail users

Once you have logged on clicked “Contact” and then from the left-hand menu choose “Safe List” and add

For Yahoo! users

Once you are logged into your account click “Mail,” and select “Options” and then:

  • Click “Filters”
  • Click “Add”
  • Click on the text box at the top (“From header”) and enter
  • In the pull-down menu for “Move the message to,” choose “Inbox”
  • Click “Add Filter”
  • Also, please add the addresses and to your address book

For All Others

Please add to your address book or list of contacts.

Hopefully this will make sure you don’t miss these important messages. It is unfortunate that you may need to take these special steps to receive this newsletter, but spammers continue to take their toll on legitmate business messages and newsletters.

And, again, thanks.

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